Banner Witcoff to Host Virtual Booth at CogX Festival 2021
EVENT -Banner Witcoff is hosting a virtual booth at the CogX Festival, which will take place June 14-16 in Kings Cross, London.
Banner Witcoff is hosting a virtual booth at the CogX Festival, which will take place June 14-16 in Kings Cross, London.
Banner Witcoff’s Rob Katz will speak at the University of Dayton School of Law’s annual Program In Law and Technology seminar on June 11.
Banner Witcoff’s next Corporate IP Roundtable webinar will examine strategies for navigating patent litigations involving parallel disputes before the PTAB.
Banner Witcoff’s Kirk Sigmon will speak on a panel exploring IP trending challenges in the future of the Internet of Things.
Banner Witcoff is sponsoring the South Asian Bar Association of North American’s annual conference, which will take place virtually June 21-26.
Banner Witcoff is sponsoring the ABA-IPL 2021 Mark T. Banner Award virtual program. The award was etablished in honor of the late Mark Banner, a longtime Banner Witcoff attorney.
Banner Witcoff’s Darrell Mottley will moderate a discussion on how the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote global practice and the implications that come along with this shift.
Banner Witcoff President Binal Patel and attorney Scott M. Kelly will speak on a panel examining the future of software IP for an upcoming virtual conference.
Banner Witcoff’s Audra C. Eidem Heinze will discuss electronically stored information and documents as part of an upcoming Federal Bar Association program.
Banner Witcoff’s Rob Katz will speak on a panel for an upcoming webinar that will guide patent counsel on the enforcement of design patent rights.