March 12, 2025 — Banner Witcoff is proud to announce that the firm has again been ranked first on the 2024 U.S. Design Patent Toteboard, cementing its lead in U.S. Design Patent Procurement for an amazing 22nd consecutive year.
Over the last decade, Banner Witcoff has acquired unparalleled experience helping its clients by procuring over 10,000 U.S. design patents – an average of over 1,000 U.S. design patents per year. The firm has procured portfolios of 100 or more design patents for over 15 different clients and design patent portfolios of over 50 for more than 30 different clients. During that time period, the firm has helped to successfully enforce hundreds of design patents. Banner’s 1138 design patents procured in 2024 was more than the amount procured by the second and third place law firms combined.
“Year after year, Banner Witcoff proudly sets the standard in design patent protection, which is a testament to our firm’s dedication and forward-thinking strategies,” said Banner Witcoff shareholder Robert S. Katz. “We are grateful that our design-driven clients trust us to protect their most important designs.
While Banner Witcoff has had the privilege of representing many larger-sized design-driven clients, it has also helped many smaller and medium-sized clients obtain important protection for it designs. Indeed, the firm has procured portfolios of 20 or more design patents for over 60 different clients. Said Robert Katz, “our experience and strategies have helped our clients protect their designs regardless of the size of their portfolios.”
No one is better at obtaining U.S. design patents than Banner Witcoff. We represent multinational, innovative design-driven companies in both the prosecution of design patent applications in the U.S. and around the world, and in the enforcement of their design patents. Many of our clients entrust substantial portions of, or their entire patent portfolios to us.
About Banner Witcoff For more than 100 years, Banner Witcoff has been protecting IP and propelling business. Our team of seasoned litigators fiercely protects, enforces, and defends our clientele’s intellectual property and interests — all over the world. We pride ourselves on our vast knowledge of IP law, serving all its facets, including patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets, and more.
Posted: March 12, 2025