Bradley C. Wright
Washington, DC
bwright@bannerwitcoff.com Main: 202.824.3000 Fax: 202.824.3001
Brad concentrates his practice on prosecution, litigation and counseling in patent and copyright matters, especially in the electrical and computer areas. He has been recognized as one of the most active attorneys before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board for several years, including being named among the top 10 attorneys across the nation who represent petitioners in Inter Partes Review proceedings before the agency.
In 2020, four patents that Brad and a Banner Witcoff team drafted and prosecuted for a client were found to be both valid and infringed in federal litigation. As a result, the firm’s client was awarded the largest patent verdict in U.S. history. Brad also previously drafted two patents that were successfully asserted in litigation, leading to a $200 million settlement for his client.
Recognized as a top PTAB attorney, Brad has won several appeals before the agency and represents clients in district court litigation involving patent, copyright and trademark matters. He has also successfully argued and briefed appeals before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Additionally, Brad has experience protecting inventions overseas under patent treaties and conventions and providing clients with infringement, validity and patentability opinions in various technical areas.
A former law clerk to the Hon. William C. Bryson of the Federal Circuit, Brad earned his electrical engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his law degree, with distinction, from George Mason University, where he graduated as the top student in the Patent Law Track and was a member of the Law Review. After earning his undergraduate degree, Brad worked as an electrical engineer and software engineering manager for E-Systems, which is now part of Raytheon Corp
He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the American Bar Association, where he chaired subcommittees relating to business method patents, patent litigation, and multimedia and interactive technology. Additionally, Brad has been an adjunct professor of law at George Mason University School of Law, where he has taught copyright and patent law.
Brad is a past President of the Patent Lawyers Club of Washington. He has published numerous articles and has given speeches before various organizations regarding intellectual property law. Brad served as Editor-in-Chief and a chapter author of Drafting Patents for Litigation and Licensing, published by BNA Books in 2008. This book, the first of its kind, was written to help patent practitioners draft the broadest possible patent that can sustain a validity challenge by synthesizing and applying lessons from the case law.
Sample Articles and Publications
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," presented at the 2016 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute (September 30, 2016)
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," presented at the 2015 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute (October 9, 2015)
"Recent Developments in Patent Law," presented at The D.C. Bar's 2014 IP Law Year in Review Series (December 9, 2014)
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," presented at the 2014 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute (October 10, 2014)
"Functional Claiming," presented at the 2014 9th Annual Advanced Patent Law Institute (January 23-24, 2014)
"Developments in Patent Law 2013," presented at The D.C. Bar's 2013 IP Law Year in Review Series (December 11, 2013)
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," presented at the 2013 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute (September 27, 2013)
"Changes Coming to U.S. Patent Law," Bloomberg BNA Books Monitor (February 27, 2013)
"Federal Circuit Appears Split on Patentability of Computer-Implemented Business Methods," Banner & Witcoff IP Alert (February 11, 2013)
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," presented at the 2012 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute (September 28, 2012)
"Developments in Patent Law," presented at John Marshall Law School's 56th Anniversary Conference on Developments in Intellectual Property Law (February 24, 2012)
"Developments in Patent Law 2011," presented at The D.C. Bar's 2011 IP Law Year in Review Series (December 13, 2012)
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," presented at the 2011 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute (September 23, 2011)
"Drafting Patents for Litigation and Licensing, with 2011 Cumulative Supplement," BNA and ABA-IPL (August 1, 2011)
"Functional Claiming and Functional Disclosure," Banner & Witcoff IP UPDATE (Spring/Summer 2011)
“Developments in Patent Law 2010,” presented at The D.C. Bar’s 2010 IP Law Year in Review Series (December 15, 2010)
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners", presented at the 2010 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute (October 8, 2010)
“Supreme Court Eases Test for Patentability in Bilski v. Kappos,” Intellectual Property Advisory (June 28, 2010)
“Recent Developments in IP Law”, presented at John Marshall Law School's 54th Annual Conference on Developments in Patent, Trademark, Copyright and Trade Secrets Law (February 26, 2010)
“Developments in Patent Law 2009,” presented at The D.C. Bar’s 2009 IP Law Year in Review Series (December 18, 2009)
“Supreme Court Hears Argument in Bilski Case,” Intellectual Property Advisory (November 9, 2009)
“Supreme Court Grants Cert in Bilski Case,” Banner & Witcoff IP UPDATE (November 1, 2009)
“Federal Circuit Issues Split Decisions on PTO Continuation Rules,” Banner & Witcoff IP UPDATE (Spring/Summer 2009)
“Developments in Patent Law,” presented at The D.C. Bar Program on Developments in Intellectual Property Law (December 2008)
“End of the Road for E-Commerce Patents?,” E-Commerce Times (May 2008)
“Patents Under Attack,” Executive Counsel (June 2008)
“Federal Circuit May Clamp Down on Process Patents,” Intellectual Property Advisory (May 8, 2008).
Speaking Engagements
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," Annual Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute, Fairfax, VA, September 30, 2016.
"2015 Patent Law in Review," DC Bar's IP Year in Review Series, Washington, DC, December 15, 2015.
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," Annual Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute, Fairfax, VA, October 9, 2015.
"Recent Developments in Patent Law," DC Bar's Patent Law Year in Review Series, Washington, DC, December 9, 2014.
"Functional Claiming," All Ohio Annual Institute on Intellectual Property, Cincinnati, September 18, 2014.
"Functional Claiming," Annual Advanced Patent Law Institute at the USPTO, Alexandria, VA, January 23, 2014.
"Developments in Patent Law," DC Bar's IP Year in Review Series, Washington, DC, December 11, 2013.
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," Annual Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute, Fairfax, VA, September 27, 2013.
"Important Patent-Related Cases Over the Past Year and Their Implications," FICPI's ABC Meeting, New Orleans, May 18, 2013.
"The New Patent Law and More," DC Bar's IP Year in Review Series, Washington, DC, December 11, 2012.
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," 2012 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute, Falls Church, VA, September 28, 2012.
"Recent Developments in Patent Law," John Marshall Law School's 56th Intellectual Property Law Conference, Chicago, IL, February 24, 2012.
“The Corporate Response to New Legislation: Changes in Portfolio Development and Patent Defense Strategies,” 2012 Advanced Patent Law Institute at the USPTO, Alexandria, VA, January 19, 2012.
"The New Patent Law and More," DC Bar's IP Year in Review Series, Washington, DC, December 13, 2011.
"IP Basic Training Series: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights," D.C. Bar Conference Center, Washington, DC, October 18, 2011.
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," 2011 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute, Falls Church, VA, September 23, 2011.
"Recent Developments in Patent Law," John Marshall Law School's 55th Intellectual Property Law Conference, Chicago, IL, February 25, 2011.
"Functional Claiming and Functional Disclosure," University of Texas at Austin, School of Law's 6th Annual Advanced Patent Law Institute, Alexandria, VA, January 21, 2011.
“Recent Developments in Patent Law,” D.C. Bar’s 2010 IP Year in Review Series, Washington, DC, December 15, 2010.
"Patent Developments for IT Practitioners," 2010 Virginia Information Technology Legal Institute, Falls Church, VA, October 8, 2010.
“Patentable Subject Matter After Bilski,” BNA Webinar, July 8, 2010.
“The Use of Opinion of Counsel as Evidence in Patent Litigation,” ABA IPL Section's 25th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference, Arlington, VA, April 9, 2010.
“Recent Developments in IP Law,” John Marshall Law School's 54th Annual Conference on Developments in Patent, Trademark, Copyright and Trade Secrets Law, Chicago, IL, February 26, 2010.
“Recent Developments in Patent Law,” D.C. Bar’s 2009 IP Year in Review Series, Washington, DC, December 17, 2009.
“Developments in Patent Law, 2008,” D.C. Bar’s 2008 IP Year in Review Series Part II, Washington, DC, December 10, 2008.
“New Practical Patent Strategies,” Virginia Information Technology Center, Waterford, VA, September 26, 2008.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1984, B.S., Electrical Engineering
George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School
1994, J.D.
Bar Admissions
- 1994, Virginia
- 1995, District of Columbia
Court Admissions
- District of Columbia Court of Appeals
- Superior Court of the District of Columbia
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
- U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- U.S. Supreme Court