Matt May Speaks on Intellectual Property for Small and Medium Sized Business at Service Academies Global Entrepreneur Summit

Shareholder Matt May will present at the Service Academies Global Entrepreneur Summit on October 16 in Washington DC.

Matt, a 30-year retired Army Reservist, and West Point graduate, will present the top five intellectual property (IP) tips for new and small or medium-sized businesses. He will discuss patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets and why entrepreneurs should consider them when starting or acquiring a business.

According to its website, the Service Academies Global Entrepreneur Summit (SAGES) is a non-profit endeavor organized by alumni from the five U.S. service academies that brings together service academy graduate entrepreneurs, c-suite executives & business leaders, and investors across the globe to create new opportunities for partnership and collaboration while creating a “super-community” of veteran entrepreneurs worldwide. The conference provides resources for service academy graduates at all stages of entrepreneurship, from those still in the ideation stage to alumni who have successfully run and sold businesses. You can read more about the conference by clicking here.

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