Darrell G. Mottley, the chair of the D.C. Bar Global Legal Practice Task Force and former D.C. Bar president, comments on the task force’s recommendation to amend D.C. Court of Appeals Rule 46 and expand opportunities for foreign-educated attorneys in the August issue of Washington Lawyer.

The Global Legal Practice Task Force proposes amendments to Rule 46 that would: (1) reduce the number of credit hours to satisfy the additional education requirement from 26 hours to 24 hours; (2) change the subject matter requirement to 12 credit hours from a list of specific courses described in Rule 46 and 12 credit hours in elective courses; and (3) allow any amount of the additional education requirement to be completed by distance education that the law school would certify as complying with ABA distance education standards.
In the article, “Modernizing Rule 46: The Gateway for International Lawyers,” Mr. Mottley points out that the task force is working to identify “areas where there are inconsistencies in our approach, where someone could qualify in one jurisdiction but not qualify” in the District. “We were looking for ways to harmonize our rules a bit better to see if we can improve things in D.C.”
Click here to read the article.
Posted: August 2, 2017