PTAB Highlights | Takeaways from Recent Decisions
NEWS -By Jesse Dyer and Zhengyu Feng, Ph.D. So, what’s new at the PTAB? Failure to support long-felt but unsolved need, commercial success identified by a jury not persuasive enough, patent
By Jesse Dyer and Zhengyu Feng, Ph.D. So, what’s new at the PTAB? Failure to support long-felt but unsolved need, commercial success identified by a jury not persuasive enough, patent
Banner Witcoff, a national intellectual property law firm that procures, enforces, and litigates intellectual property rights throughout the world, welcomes Danielle Gitzen as an associate attorney to its Chicago Office. Danielle primarily
Banner Witcoff has awarded two law students the Donald W. Banner Diversity Fellowship. Created to strengthen diversity and inclusion in intellectual property law, the Fellowship provides recipients with $5,000 for
By Lydia Deaton and Simon Lasker So, what’s new at the PTAB? Director reviving an IPR held to be abandoned, reliance on expert experiences, simultaneously using and criticizing a claim
Banner Witcoff is proud to sponsor the 2024 Lavender Law Conference and Career Fair, presented by the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association and Foundation. The firm supports the conference in honor
Managing IP ranks Banner Witcoff’s patent practice in its 2024 edition of “IP Stars,” a guide to the world’s top intellectual property firms. The guide “highly recommended” the firm’s patent
On Friday, June 21st, Banner Witcoff secured an across-the-board victory for client Apprio, Inc. at the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Apprio is a technology solutions
Banner Witcoff obtained a total victory for client ZF Friedrichshafen at the PTAB. The written decision held every claim in a patent being asserted against ZF unpatentable. The final written
By Kamaram Munira, Ph.D. and Arash Sayyah, Ph.D. So, what’s new at the PTAB? No Fintiv for Co-Petitioner, fatally inconsistent arguments, failure to tie patent claims to commercial product to
Banner Witcoff successfully represented plaintiff Cory (“Harli”) Gregory in litigation against defendants, Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) officials, in United States District Court in the Northern District of Illinois. The