Banner Witcoff attorneys Michael Krashin and Tim Rechtien wrote an article for The Illinois Manufacturer, a quarterly magazine published by the Illinois Manufacturing Association.
In their article, Michael and Tim provide an overview on the different types of intellectual property, as well the protections offered and why businesses should take the time to build and protect their IP portfolios.
Among the many benefits, they wrote that “[p]erhaps, most obviously, IP rights create barriers to entry for competitors or would-be competitors.” They also note advantages related to litigation and innovation, explaining that “a business with a strong IP portfolio will have more opportunities to license or cross-license its technology and to enter into joint ventures or joint development activities.”
Their article — “Building a Moat Around Your Intellectual Property” — starts on page 20 of The Illinois Manfacturer‘s second quarter edition, or can be viewed on its own by clicking here.
Posted: May 6, 2021